Batch Mixer, Zone-2

The Tamfindo skid mounted(Zone-2) 100 barrel vertical batch mixer was designed to be self supporting and allow the versatility of performing dual (50 BBL each) slurry batches.

Deskripsi Produk
The Tamfindo skid mounted(Zone-2) 100 barrel vertical batch mixer was designed to be self supporting and allow the versatility of performing dual (50 BBL each) slurry batches. 

The mixing unit incorporates two (2) 50 barrel batch tanks with hydraulic powered bi-directional agitators.  The mixing functions are accomplished by two (2) hydraulic powered centrifugal pumps and educator assembly.  A diesel engine, located between batch tank skids, provides power needed for the unit's hydraulic system.

The mixing unit allows one (1) operator to perform and monitor the mixing functions from the control deck platform, located between the batch tanks.  Mixing operations are accomplished through the operators selection of remote (control panel) and manual operated components located at the control deck.

  • Capacity 2 x 50 BBL
  • Zone-2 certified
  • Shape of tank: Cylindrical
  • Suitable to mix cement with additives.
  • All steel welded construction. 
  • Power pack including hydraulics built in.
  • Manholes are located at top for easy access
  • The operations are controlled from control panel

Download: Equipment Information_Batch Mixer 2 x 50 bbls.PDF

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